Bethersden Primary School

Mental Health Support

Bethersden Primary School is committed to supporting good mental health.

The Senior Mental Health Lead is Mrs Sandra O'Neon (SENCO).

Mental Health Wellbeing Team (also known as Emotional Wellbeing Team).

We have linked up with this service to provide extra support for families.  They have run a number of workshops in school and provided 1:1 support for some families.

They also run online webinars for parents with topics such as supporting a child with anxiety, sleep support and understanding my child's behaviour.

Parents/carers can access this support by speaking with the SENCo - Sandra O'Neon.

Kooth is an NHS run, free, online support service for parents and children to access anonymous wellbeing support.

Nurture UK 

As part of our commitment, the school is participating in the Nurture UK programme and is working towards the NurtureUK accreditation.

This follows the Six Principles of Nurture which are:

The Nurture approach to education offers a range of opportunities for children and young people to engage with missing early nurturing experiences, giving them the social and emotional skills to do well at school and with peers, and develop their resilience and capacity to deal more confidently with issues they may face.