At Bethersden Primary School, we value Geography as an important part of the children’s entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum. Geography aims to inspire children’s curiosity, interest and appreciation for the world that we live in. We intend to equip children with the geographical knowledge to develop their skills through studies of places, people and natural and human environments. Our aim is for our children to leave Bethersden as thoughtful citizens, who consider their impact on and role in caring for the environment. As pupils progress through the curriculum, they will have multiple opportunities to revisit geographical skills and apply this to advance their knowledge of the world around them.
At Bethersden, the teaching and implementation of the Geography Curriculum is based on the National Curriculum and is planned using Cornerstones: Curriculum Maestro (Curriculum 22 model). The Cornerstones approach follows the structure of: Engage, Develop, Innovate, Express. This is the basis for teaching and learning across all the foundation subjects. A Geography topic becomes the driver unit for one term of the school year with a complimentary stand-alone, skills-based topic in each year group. These topics are then supported by cross-curricular links in Art, Design Technology and History. The Geography projects are well sequenced to provide a coherent subject scheme that develops children’s skills (including: using geographical resources like maps, use the eight compass points and grid references and gather data as part of fieldwork) and knowledge (including: recognizing the continents and oceans, describe a range of human and physical features and applying locational knowledge). Children revisit and review their understanding of each of these areas as they progress through their primary school years.
Early Years
In the Foundation Stage, Geography is taught as an integral part of topic work and is embedded throughout the Cornerstones Curriculum. The objectives taught are mostly taken from the Understanding the World statements from ‘Development Matters in the EYFS’ and the PSED Early Learning Goals.
Key stage 1
In KS1, children will:
- develop knowledge about the world, the United Kingdom and their locality.
- understand basic subject-specific vocabulary relating to human and physical geography
- begin to use geographical skills, including first-hand observation, to enhance their locational awareness.
Key stage 2
In KS2 children will:
- extend their knowledge and understanding beyond the local area to include the United Kingdom and Europe, North and South America.
- apply their knowledge of the characteristics of a range of the world’s most significant human and physical features.
- develop their use of geographical knowledge, understanding and skills to enhance their locational and place knowledge.
By the time children leave Bethersden Primary school, we want them to have developed a passion for Geography. They will have a secure locational knowledge, knowing how to describe the location of significant places. They will be able to consider the geographical features of an environment, recognising the interconnected nature of people and places. Our children will be able to conduct fieldwork and apply the skills of data collection, recording, analysis and presentation. The children at Bethersden will have a passion for and commitment to the subject, and a sense of curiosity to find out about the world and the people who live there. They will learn about contemporary issues within the world, and the role that they as individuals have in making a difference.
Progression Documents
Geography Progression in Knowledge
Geography Progression in Skills
Geography Vocabulary Progression
Geography Overview
Whole School Geography Overview 24-25 onwards