Bethersden Primary School

Owl Class

Welcome to the Owl Class web page for 2023-2024!

A very warm welcome to Owl class’s home page! 

We had an incredibly successful start to our academic year in Year 1, and now we find ourselves with 5 completed terms with only 1 left to go.

We cannot wait to see what our final term in Owl Class has in store for us, packed with wonderful experiences including our trip to Kent Life and some outdoor open fire cooking! 

This page will be updated throughout the year with information regarding our topics and learning for the term ahead. You can find all relevant information regarding our latest term below.

Class team

Class Teacher: Miss Sammy Hughes (Mon-Thurs)
Class Teacher: Miss Michelle Rockingham (Fri)
Learning Support: Miss Rhiannon Mexter

Class documents

Owl Class Timetable - Term 6: 

owl timetable term 6 2023 2024.pdf

Owl Timetables - Term 5

Owl Timetable - Term 4

Owl Timetables - Term 3

Owl Timetable - Term 2

Owl Timetable - Term 1

Useful web links

Oxford Owl

Spelling Shed


Owl Classroom

Our learning

As a school, we follow the Cornerstones Curriculum. Each ‘long’ term (so 3 times a year) the topics change. There is always one main topic and several companion units.

In Terms 5 and 6 the main topic is a History unit called ‘School Days’. In this unit we will learn about the history of our school, Bethersden Primary - which dates back to 1902! We will then explore what school life was like in the Victorian times, an era that we will be comparing the present day to. 

The companion units for this project are 'Street View' (Art and Design), 'Plant Parts' and 'Animal Parts' (Science) and 'Chop, Slice and Mash' (Design Technology). The latter will give us opportunities to prepare food in order for us to design and make our own sandwiches. Something we have had recent experience of as we made our own marmalade sandwiches inspired by Paddington. 


Children in Year One continue to develop their phonetic knowledge using Read Write Inc (RWI). We carefully group the children according to their phonic knowledge. This ensures each child is being supported, yet challenged, aiming for excellent reading progress.

Children will have Read Write Inc lessons from Monday-Thursday. Our RWI lessons are followed by a whole class English lesson, where we will continue to focus on reading skills as well as our writing skills. The theme will vary each week, our learning may be based on a story, inspired by a picture, an event or even a piece of music! On Fridays alongside our whole class English lesson, we will also have a focus session on Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG), as well as dedicated handwriting sessions. 


Children will have access to two books to read at home. One will be an eBook set by their RWI leader to match their phonic ability. These will be set on Thursdays. Each eBook will be accompanied by a quiz, which provide opportunities for children to apply their phonic knowledge, as well as developing their comprehension skills. Children will also have a RWI Book Bag Book, a physical book that they will take home that is matched to the phonics they are learning. Book bag books are changed accordingly every Monday and Thursday. Therefore each eBook and Book Bag Book will stay with each child for a few days and should be re-read to support fluency in reading.

For those children who have completed the RWI scheme, they will then move onto reading AR (Accelerated Reader) books. These books are equally matched to the child’s reading ability, as an initial quiz provides each child with a reading level. The children will then get to choose a reading book within their book band levels, providing each child with autonomy over their reading.


We use Power Maths as the main driver in our Maths learning, but this is supported with a range of practical activities to ensure that each child has a secure understanding of the concepts taught.

Last term we began our new Mastering Number program, where we focus on developing our fluency and understanding of number. We have been thoroughly enjoying using a range of maths manipulatives, particularly the introduction of the rekenreks. 

Term 6 coverage

English – Read Write Inc will continue in the same way that the children are used to from Bumblebee class. Our core text for our English learning this term is a fairy tale anthology - A First Book of Fairy Tales retold by Mary Hoffman. We will explore this genre of writing, building up to creating our own fairy tales. We will also used this key text to explore a variety of other writing genres, including persuasive writing as we create an advert to sell Daisy the cow - a character from Jack and the Beanstalk. We are looking forward to delving into our creative side in English this term, which coincides nicely with our most recent school value, Creativity. 

In Maths this term we will be exploring a variety of maths topics, including fractions (where we will draw on our previous learning about sharing), position and direction, money and time. Any opportunities to practice these latter skills in the real world are incredibly helpful. For example, visiting the local shop and paying for your own item. Can you identify which coins you need? What is the total amount of your combination of coins? Or perhaps, recognising when your favourite TV show is on, what time you eat your dinner or even what time you go to bed? We will also incorporate all of our previous learning on number and place value as we explore numbers up to 100. 

In Science this term we will begin with our project 'Animal Parts'. This leads on nicely from our previous unit on Plant Parts. This project will  teach us about animals, including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals and invertebrates. We will also identify and describe their common structures, diets, and how animals should be cared for.

History is our main unit within our Cornerstones curriculum, with our driver project ‘School Days’. In this project we will learn about and explore the history of our own school and locality. We will compare it to what they are like in the present day. We will then travel further back on our timeline to the Victorian era! We will learn about what school and education was like during these times and will compare them to our experiences of school today. Look out for an exciting event coming up that will help us explore Victorian schools a bit more...

In our DT project ‘Chop, Slice and Mash’ we will learn about sources of food and the preparatory skills of peeling, tearing, slicing, chopping, mashing and grating. So any opportunities to practice these at home would be amazing! We will then use this knowledge and techniques to design and make a supermarket sandwich according to specific design criteria.

In Computing our new unit 'Programming animations' introduces us to on-screen programming through ScratchJr. We will explore the way a project looks by investigating 'sprites' and backgrounds. We will use programming blocks to use, modify, and create our own programs. We will also be introduced to the early stages of program design through the introduction of algorithms. This links nicely to our previous learning on programming as we explored BeeBots. 

In PE this term we will be focusing on Cricket. In order to make PE lessons run more smoothly, we will continue to ask for children to come into school dressed in their PE kits on their PE day. In Owls our weekly PE session will take place every Friday. So please make sure that your child comes into school every Friday dressed in their PE kit.

In PSHE this term we will continue the core theme of ‘living in the wider world’, as we explore our key question 'what can we do with money?'. This links nicely to our money unit in Maths this term. 

Home Learning

Here at Bethersden our home learning tasks are set each week on Tuesday via Google Classroom. Each child has their own login details to access this (which includes an email address and password – these can be found in their yellow reading records). Once set every Tuesday, the tasks will be due the following Monday. Each week we dedicate time to sharing and celebrating completed home learning tasks, something we and the children always look forward to. The tasks will range from physical activities, discussions, questions to explore – all activities we hope you will enjoy!

Alongside tasks set on Google Classroom, there will also be a weekly spelling ‘assignment’ set on Spelling Shed. We would also encourage children to practice their Maths skills using NumBots. Links to both of these sites can be found here on our class page. All login details can also be found in their yellow reading records.

We are looking forward to continued support with home learning this new academic year.

How can you support your Year 1 child?

There are many ways that you can support your child to have a healthy, fun filled Year 1!

  • Please make sure that they are on time, have the correct uniform and have had a healthy breakfast.
  • Read! Listen to them read, read to them, let them see you enjoying reading – reading in any form will help foster a love of books – something that we are passionate about at Bethersden Primary.
  • Please ensure that they have the correct PE kit. Our PE day is on Friday, so please ensure your child comes into school on Fridays wearing their PE kit.
  • Provide a water bottle (hydrated brains are happy brains!) - Please make sure these are filled with water only and not squash/juice. 
  • Please provide appropriate clothing for outdoor learning, we will not let the weather stop us!  We are also needing to keep the room well ventilated, so an extra layer, or a blue fleece may be appreciated as the weather gets colder.

Contact us

We are always available after school if you need a quick catch up. If you need a longer or more private meeting, please book this in at the office and we will be happy to accommodate.

If you have a non-urgent message for the team you could email the families email on the address below. This is checked regularly and the message will be passed on to the class team.

We cannot wait for another successful term in Owl Class - it's the final one, so let's make it the best one yet! 

Very best wishes,

The Owl Team